Module optgraphstate.graph_tools

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import itertools
import random

import numpy as np
import igraph as ig

def get_graph_from_edges(edges):
    Generate an [`igraph.Graph`]( object from the list of edges.

    edges : list of 2-tuple of int
        List of edges that form the graph, where each integer indicates a
        vertex label.

    graph : igraph.Graph
        Generated graph.

    return ig.Graph(edges=edges)

def get_sample_graph(shape, *prms):
    Generate a predefined graph with a given shape and parameters.

    See the description of `optgraphstate.GraphState.__init__()`.

    graph : igraph.Graph
        Generated graph.

    if shape == 'random':
        assert len(prms) in [2, 3]
        if len(prms) == 3:
        g = ig.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n=prms[0], m=prms[1])

    elif shape == 'complete':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = ig.Graph.Full(n=prms[0])

    elif shape == 'star':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = ig.Graph.Star(prms[0])

    elif shape == 'linear':
        g = ig.Graph.Lattice(dim=prms, circular=False)

    elif shape == 'cycle':
        g = ig.Graph.Ring(prms[0])

    elif shape == 'lattice':
        g = ig.Graph.Lattice(dim=prms, circular=False)
        # graph_info['size'] = tuple(prms)

    elif shape == 'tree':
        # graph_info['num_children'] = tuple(prms)
        g: ig.Graph = ig.Graph.Star(prms[0] + 1)
        parents_start = 1
        n_parents = prms[0]
        for n_children in prms[1:]:
            for parent in range(parents_start, parents_start + n_parents):
                vcount = g.vcount()
                g.add_edges([(parent, child) for child in
                             range(vcount - n_children, vcount)])

            parents_start += n_parents
            n_parents *= n_children

    elif shape == 'rhg':
        assert len(prms) == 3
        g = _get_rhg_lattice(*prms)
        # g['size'] = tuple(prms)

    elif shape == 'repeater':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = get_sample_graph('complete', 2 * prms[0])
        vcount = g.vcount()
        for v in range(vcount):
            new_v = g.add_vertex()
            g.add_edge(v, new_v)
        # g['m'] = prms[0]

    elif shape == 'parity_encoding':
        assert len(prms) in [3, 4]
        g = _get_parity_encoded_graph(*prms)
        # g['logical_graph'] = prms[0]
        # g['n'] = prms[1]
        # g['m'] = prms[2]

    elif shape == 'ptqc':
        assert len(prms) == 4
        g = _get_ptqc_graph(*prms)
        # g['n'] = prms[0]
        # g['m'] = prms[1]
        # g['HIC'] = prms[2]
        # g['central'] = prms[3]

        raise ValueError("Unsupported shape")

    return g

def find_nonoverlapping_bcss(g: ig.Graph, get_name=False):
    Find a maximum set of bipartitely-complete subgraphs (BCSs) that do not
    share any vertices.

    A *maximum* set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another BCS.
    The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the
    iterations of vertices are randomized by `numpy.random`.

    g : igraph.Graph
        Traget graph.

    get_name : bool (default: False)
        Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.

    bcss : list of 2-tuple of list of {int or str}
        Each element corresponds to a BCS found and has the structure of
        ([v1, v2, ...], [u1, u2, ...]), where v1, v2, ... are the
        indices/names of the vertices in one part of the BCS and
        u1, u2, ... are the indices/names of the vertices in another part.
    bcss = []

    vids_in_bcs = set()  # Vertices that are already contained in a bcs
    edges_checked = set()  # Edges that are not contained in any bcs

    vids = np.arange(g.vcount())

    for vid in vids:
        if vid in vids_in_bcs:

        ngh_vids = g.neighbors(vid)

        for ngh_vid1 in ngh_vids:
            if ngh_vid1 in vids_in_bcs or (vid, ngh_vid1) in edges_checked:

            for ngh_vid2 in ngh_vids:
                if ngh_vid1 >= ngh_vid2 or ngh_vid2 in vids_in_bcs or (
                        vid, ngh_vid2) in edges_checked:

                part1 = set(g.neighbors(ngh_vid1)) & set(g.neighbors(ngh_vid2))

                if len(part1) == 1:

                marked = False
                for part1_vid in part1:
                    if part1_vid in vids_in_bcs:
                        marked = True
                if marked:

                part1_neighbors = [set(g.neighbors(vid)) for vid in part1]
                part2 = set.intersection(*part1_neighbors)

                marked = False
                for part2_vid in part2:
                    if part2_vid in vids_in_bcs:
                        marked = True
                if marked:

                if get_name:
                    bcss.append((g.vs[part1]['name'], g.vs[part2]['name']))
                    bcss.append((part1, part2))


        for ngh_vid in ngh_vids:
            edges_checked.update({(vid, ngh_vid), (ngh_vid, vid)})

    return bcss

def find_nonoverlapping_cliques(g: ig.Graph, get_name=False):
    Find a maximum set of cliques that do not share any vertices.

    A *maximum* set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another clique.
    The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the
    iterations of vertices are randomized by `numpy.random`.

    g : igraph.Graph
        Target graph.

    get_name : bool (default: False)
        Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.

    cliques : list of set of {int or str}
        Each element is the set of the indices/names of vertices in a clique.
    cliques = g.maximal_cliques(min=3)
    cliques = [set(clique) for clique in cliques]
    # num_cliques = len(cliques)

    # Remove overlapping cliques
    nonoverlapping_cliques = []
    all_vids = set()
    for clique in cliques:
        if not (clique & all_vids):

    cliques = nonoverlapping_cliques
    if get_name:
        cliques = [{g.vs[vid]['name'] for vid in clique} for clique in cliques]

    return cliques

# def get_all_vertices(graph):
#     """
#     Get all the vertex names of a graph.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph : igraph.Graph
#         Target graph.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     vertices : list of str
#         List of the names of the vertices in `graph`.
#     """
#     return graph.vs['name']
# def get_adjacency(graph):
#     """
#     Get the adjacency matrix of a graph.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph : igraph.Graph
#         Target graph.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     adjacency : numpy.ndarray
#         Adjacency matrix of `graph`.
#     """
#     adj = graph.get_adjacency()
#     return np.array(list(adj))
# def get_vertex_attrs(graph, vertex):
#     """
#     Get the attributes of a vertex of a graph.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph : igraph.Graph
#         Graph that the vertex belongs to.
#     vertex : str or int
#         Name of the vertex.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     attributes : dict
#         Attributes of the vertex.
#     """
#     vertex = str(vertex)
#     attrs = graph.vs.find(name=vertex).attributes()
#     return attrs
# def get_neighbors(graph, vertex):
#     """
#     Get the neighbors of a vertex in a graph.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph: igraph.Graph
#         Graph that the vertex belongs to.
#     vertex: str or int
#         Name of the vertex.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     neighbors: list of str
#         List of the names of the neighbors of the vertex.
#     """
#     vertex = str(vertex)
#     return graph.vs[graph.neighbors(str(vertex))]['name']
# def get_all_edges(graph):
#     """
#     Get all the edges of a graph in terms of pairs of vertex names.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph : igraph.Graph.
#         Target graph.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     edges : list of 2-tuple of str
#         List of the connected pairs of vertex names.
#     """
#     edges = []
#     for e in
#         edges.append((e.source_vertex['name'], e.target_vertex['name']))
#     return edges
# def get_edge_attrs(graph, v1, v2):
#     """
#     Get the attributes of an edge in a graph.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     graph : igraph.Graph.
#         Graph that the edge belongs to.
#     v1, v2 : str or int
#         Names of the vertices connected by the edge.
#     Returns
#     -------
#     attributes : dict
#         Dictionary that contains the attributes of the edge.
#     """
#     n1 = str(v1)
#     n2 = str(v2)
#     link_attrs =[graph.get_eid(v1, v2)].attributes()
#     return link_attrs

def _connect_vertex_sets(graph, inds1, inds2, **attrs):
    if inds1 and inds2:
        graph.add_edges(itertools.product(inds1, inds2), attributes=attrs)

def _get_ptqc_graph(n, m, hic, center):
    if center:
        graph = ig.Graph(2 * n * m + 1, vertex_attrs={"clifford": None})
        graph = ig.Graph(3 * n * m, vertex_attrs={"clifford": None})

    def build_logical_qubit(lq, inbetween_edge_each_block):
        if center:
            vid_start = 1 + lq * n * m
            vid_start = lq * n * m

        if inbetween_edge_each_block:
            vids_all_1 = range(vid_start, vid_start + (n - 1) * m + 1, m)
            if m > 1:
                for vid_x_1 in vids_all_1:
                    vids_x_not1 = range(vid_x_1 + 1, vid_x_1 + m)
                    _connect_vertex_sets(graph, [vid_x_1], vids_x_not1)

            graph.vs[vids_all_1]['clifford'] = 'H'

            return vids_all_1

            vids_1_all = range(vid_start, vid_start + m)

            if n > 1:
                vids_not1_1 = range(vid_start + m,
                                    vid_start + (n - 1) * m + 1,
                _connect_vertex_sets(graph, vids_1_all, vids_not1_1)

                if m > 1:
                    for vid_x_1 in vids_not1_1:
                        vids_x_not1 = range(vid_x_1 + 1, vid_x_1 + m)
                        _connect_vertex_sets(graph, [vid_x_1], vids_x_not1)

                graph.vs[vids_not1_1]['clifford'] = 'H'

            return vids_1_all

    if hic:
        inbetween_edge_each_block = [True, True] if center else [True, False,

        inbetween_edge_each_block = [False, False] if center else [True, True,

    vids_lqs = [build_logical_qubit(lq, inbetween_edge_each_block[lq]) for lq
                in range(2 if center else 3)]

    if center:
        _connect_vertex_sets(graph, [0], itertools.chain(*vids_lqs))

        _connect_vertex_sets(graph, vids_lqs[0], vids_lqs[1])
        _connect_vertex_sets(graph, vids_lqs[1], vids_lqs[2])

    return graph

def _get_parity_encoded_graph(logical_graph, n, m, orientation=True):
    if isinstance(logical_graph, str):
        if logical_graph in ['3-star', '3-linear']:
            logical_graph = get_sample_graph('star', 3)
        elif logical_graph in ['6-ring', '6-cycle']:
            logical_graph = get_sample_graph('cycle', 6)
            raise ValueError("Unsupported logical graph")

    logical_vcount = logical_graph.vcount()
    vcount = logical_vcount * n * m
    g = ig.Graph(vcount, vertex_attrs={"clifford": None})

    # Internal structure of each logical qubit
    for vid_1_1 in range(0, vcount, n * m):

        # |0_L(1_L)> = (|0>^m + |1>^m)^n \pm (|0>^m - |1>^m)^n
        if orientation:
            vids_1_all = range(vid_1_1, vid_1_1 + m)
            vids_not1_1 = range(vid_1_1 + m, vid_1_1 + n * m, m)
            # The first block is connected with the first vertex of each block.
            _connect_vertex_sets(g, vids_1_all, vids_not1_1)

            # For each block besides the first one, the first vertex is
            # connected with the other vertices.
            for vid_x_1 in vids_not1_1:
                vids_x_not1 = range(vid_x_1 + 1, vid_x_1 + m)
                _connect_vertex_sets(g, [vid_x_1], vids_x_not1)

            # The first vertex of each block has the Hadamard gate.
            g.vs[vids_not1_1]['clifford'] = 'H'

        # |0_L(1_L)> = (|+>^m + |->^m)^n
            vids_all_1 = range(vid_1_1, vid_1_1 + n * m, m)
            for vid_x_1 in vids_all_1:
                vids_x_not1 = range(vid_x_1 + 1, vid_x_1 + m)
                _connect_vertex_sets(g, [vid_x_1], vids_x_not1)
                g.vs[vids_x_not1]['clifford'] = 'H'

    # Connection between logical qubits
    for logical_edge in
        logical_vids = logical_edge.source,
        physical_vids = []
        for logical_vid in logical_vids:
            vid_1_1 = logical_vid * n * m
            if orientation:
                physical_vids_sng = range(vid_1_1, vid_1_1 + m)

                physical_vids_sng = range(vid_1_1, vid_1_1 + n * m, m)

        _connect_vertex_sets(g, *physical_vids)

    return g

def _get_rhg_lattice(Lx, Ly, Lz):
    g = ig.Graph()
    size = (2 * Lx, 2 * Ly, 2 * Lz)

    def _adjacent_coords(*coords):
        for axis, coord in enumerate(coords):
            for diff in [1, -1]:
                adjacent_vertex = list(coords[:])
                adjacent_vertex[axis] += diff
                if 0 <= adjacent_vertex[axis] <= size[axis]:
                    yield tuple(adjacent_vertex)

    def duality_condition(x, y, z, primal):
        if primal:
            return not (x + y + z) % 2 and (
                    x % 2 or y % 2 or z % 2)  # one even, two odds
            return (x + y + z) % 2 and not (
                    x % 2 and y % 2 and z % 2)  # two evens, one odd

    def add_qubit(x, y, z, primal):
        vertex = g.add_vertex(x=x, y=y, z=z, primal=primal)
        return vertex

    # Add vertices
    primal_qubits = []
    for x in range(size[0] + 1):
        for y in range(size[1] + 1):
            for z in range(size[2] + 1):
                if duality_condition(x, y, z, True):
                    new_qubit = add_qubit(x, y, z, True)
                elif duality_condition(x, y, z, False):
                    add_qubit(x, y, z, False)

    # Add edges
    get_vertex_by_coords = lambda x, y, z: g.vs.find(x=x, y=y, z=z)
    for vertex in primal_qubits:
        edges = [(vertex, get_vertex_by_coords(*adj_coords)) for adj_coords in
                 _adjacent_coords(vertex["x"], vertex["y"], vertex["z"]) if
                 duality_condition(*adj_coords, False)]

    return g


def find_nonoverlapping_bcss(g: igraph.Graph, get_name=False)

Find a maximum set of bipartitely-complete subgraphs (BCSs) that do not share any vertices.

A maximum set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another BCS. The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the iterations of vertices are randomized by numpy.random.


g : igraph.Graph
Traget graph.
get_name : bool (default: False)
Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.


bcss : list of 2-tuple of list of {int or str}
Each element corresponds to a BCS found and has the structure of ([v1, v2, …], [u1, u2, …]), where v1, v2, … are the indices/names of the vertices in one part of the BCS and u1, u2, … are the indices/names of the vertices in another part.
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def find_nonoverlapping_bcss(g: ig.Graph, get_name=False):
    Find a maximum set of bipartitely-complete subgraphs (BCSs) that do not
    share any vertices.

    A *maximum* set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another BCS.
    The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the
    iterations of vertices are randomized by `numpy.random`.

    g : igraph.Graph
        Traget graph.

    get_name : bool (default: False)
        Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.

    bcss : list of 2-tuple of list of {int or str}
        Each element corresponds to a BCS found and has the structure of
        ([v1, v2, ...], [u1, u2, ...]), where v1, v2, ... are the
        indices/names of the vertices in one part of the BCS and
        u1, u2, ... are the indices/names of the vertices in another part.
    bcss = []

    vids_in_bcs = set()  # Vertices that are already contained in a bcs
    edges_checked = set()  # Edges that are not contained in any bcs

    vids = np.arange(g.vcount())

    for vid in vids:
        if vid in vids_in_bcs:

        ngh_vids = g.neighbors(vid)

        for ngh_vid1 in ngh_vids:
            if ngh_vid1 in vids_in_bcs or (vid, ngh_vid1) in edges_checked:

            for ngh_vid2 in ngh_vids:
                if ngh_vid1 >= ngh_vid2 or ngh_vid2 in vids_in_bcs or (
                        vid, ngh_vid2) in edges_checked:

                part1 = set(g.neighbors(ngh_vid1)) & set(g.neighbors(ngh_vid2))

                if len(part1) == 1:

                marked = False
                for part1_vid in part1:
                    if part1_vid in vids_in_bcs:
                        marked = True
                if marked:

                part1_neighbors = [set(g.neighbors(vid)) for vid in part1]
                part2 = set.intersection(*part1_neighbors)

                marked = False
                for part2_vid in part2:
                    if part2_vid in vids_in_bcs:
                        marked = True
                if marked:

                if get_name:
                    bcss.append((g.vs[part1]['name'], g.vs[part2]['name']))
                    bcss.append((part1, part2))


        for ngh_vid in ngh_vids:
            edges_checked.update({(vid, ngh_vid), (ngh_vid, vid)})

    return bcss
def find_nonoverlapping_cliques(g: igraph.Graph, get_name=False)

Find a maximum set of cliques that do not share any vertices.

A maximum set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another clique. The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the iterations of vertices are randomized by numpy.random.


g : igraph.Graph
Target graph.
get_name : bool (default: False)
Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.


cliques : list of set of {int or str}
Each element is the set of the indices/names of vertices in a clique.
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def find_nonoverlapping_cliques(g: ig.Graph, get_name=False):
    Find a maximum set of cliques that do not share any vertices.

    A *maximum* set means that it cannot be enlarged by adding another clique.
    The obtained set may vary each time the function is called since the
    iterations of vertices are randomized by `numpy.random`.

    g : igraph.Graph
        Target graph.

    get_name : bool (default: False)
        Whether to get the names or indices of vertices.

    cliques : list of set of {int or str}
        Each element is the set of the indices/names of vertices in a clique.
    cliques = g.maximal_cliques(min=3)
    cliques = [set(clique) for clique in cliques]
    # num_cliques = len(cliques)

    # Remove overlapping cliques
    nonoverlapping_cliques = []
    all_vids = set()
    for clique in cliques:
        if not (clique & all_vids):

    cliques = nonoverlapping_cliques
    if get_name:
        cliques = [{g.vs[vid]['name'] for vid in clique} for clique in cliques]

    return cliques
def get_graph_from_edges(edges)

Generate an igraph.Graph object from the list of edges.


edges : list of 2-tuple of int
List of edges that form the graph, where each integer indicates a vertex label.


graph : igraph.Graph
Generated graph.
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def get_graph_from_edges(edges):
    Generate an [`igraph.Graph`]( object from the list of edges.

    edges : list of 2-tuple of int
        List of edges that form the graph, where each integer indicates a
        vertex label.

    graph : igraph.Graph
        Generated graph.

    return ig.Graph(edges=edges)
def get_sample_graph(shape, *prms)

Generate a predefined graph with a given shape and parameters.

See the description of GraphState.


graph : igraph.Graph
Generated graph.
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def get_sample_graph(shape, *prms):
    Generate a predefined graph with a given shape and parameters.

    See the description of `optgraphstate.GraphState.__init__()`.

    graph : igraph.Graph
        Generated graph.

    if shape == 'random':
        assert len(prms) in [2, 3]
        if len(prms) == 3:
        g = ig.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n=prms[0], m=prms[1])

    elif shape == 'complete':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = ig.Graph.Full(n=prms[0])

    elif shape == 'star':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = ig.Graph.Star(prms[0])

    elif shape == 'linear':
        g = ig.Graph.Lattice(dim=prms, circular=False)

    elif shape == 'cycle':
        g = ig.Graph.Ring(prms[0])

    elif shape == 'lattice':
        g = ig.Graph.Lattice(dim=prms, circular=False)
        # graph_info['size'] = tuple(prms)

    elif shape == 'tree':
        # graph_info['num_children'] = tuple(prms)
        g: ig.Graph = ig.Graph.Star(prms[0] + 1)
        parents_start = 1
        n_parents = prms[0]
        for n_children in prms[1:]:
            for parent in range(parents_start, parents_start + n_parents):
                vcount = g.vcount()
                g.add_edges([(parent, child) for child in
                             range(vcount - n_children, vcount)])

            parents_start += n_parents
            n_parents *= n_children

    elif shape == 'rhg':
        assert len(prms) == 3
        g = _get_rhg_lattice(*prms)
        # g['size'] = tuple(prms)

    elif shape == 'repeater':
        assert len(prms) == 1
        g = get_sample_graph('complete', 2 * prms[0])
        vcount = g.vcount()
        for v in range(vcount):
            new_v = g.add_vertex()
            g.add_edge(v, new_v)
        # g['m'] = prms[0]

    elif shape == 'parity_encoding':
        assert len(prms) in [3, 4]
        g = _get_parity_encoded_graph(*prms)
        # g['logical_graph'] = prms[0]
        # g['n'] = prms[1]
        # g['m'] = prms[2]

    elif shape == 'ptqc':
        assert len(prms) == 4
        g = _get_ptqc_graph(*prms)
        # g['n'] = prms[0]
        # g['m'] = prms[1]
        # g['HIC'] = prms[2]
        # g['central'] = prms[3]

        raise ValueError("Unsupported shape")

    return g